Jesus reminds us that 'apart from him we can do nothing' (John 15:5) so we are determined to be a church that prays for all that we are doing and for the world in which we live. Prayer is talking to God, and it is as much caught as taught. That is, we learn how to talk to God by listening to others who have been talking with God for a long time.
The Prayer Gathering is our main monthly prayer meeting 7-8 pm on the last Wednesday of each month. All are very welcome, whether we are used to praying or the idea of talking to God is brand new. No one has to pray out loud. We hear from one of our mission partners, or an area of church life, and we pray together in small groups. It is also a chance for us to pray for some of the wider needs of our world and to share encouragements and challenges with each other as a church family. It's a joyful time, please do join us!
Every Thursday, pointers for praise and prayer go out in our weekly e-Newsletter.
Every Sunday morning we gather in the church building at 10am to commit the morning service to God. We pray for 10 minutes. This is the engine room of all that happens in church life. As God reminds us in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.”
Finally, if you have any urgent prayer requests, please do send them in via the contact form.